Dear Hobbyist
After all day long working hard, for afternoon intermezzo I would like to rise up the following story:
I read one discussion in koi forum, that someone as a hobbyist was trying not to use UV light because of electricity efficiency purpose. This decision is totally a wrong decision. From the beginning, we must realize that keeping Good Quality Koi is actually a balance between hobby and budget.
I read one discussion in koi forum, that someone as a hobbyist was trying not to use UV light because of electricity efficiency purpose. This decision is totally a wrong decision. From the beginning, we must realize that keeping Good Quality Koi is actually a balance between hobby and budget.
Those, who can afford to buy Lamborghini
or Porsche, I am sure they do not think what sort of fuel be used no
matter how expensive the fuel price is !. And so with koi, once you
decide to keep good quality koi for your hobby, you don't have to think
about electricity, pond equipments, koi food price etc. If Singaporean
says "Oke lah.." (Singlish)
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Setelah bekerja keras sepanjang hari sebagai intermezzo saya akan ceritakan cuplikan sbb:
Saya membaca satu diskusi di koi forum dan ada seorang pembaca yang berpendapat bahwa untuk tujuan efisiensi maka beliau menghindari pemakaian UV light agar hemat listrik. Ini adalah suatu kesalahan besar!, karena sejak awal kita seharusnya kita sudah mengetahui bahwa memelihara Koi Kwalitas Bagus (imported Japanese Nishikigoi) diperlukan biaya maintenance yang cukup tinggi. Jadi kita tidak boleh berfikir tentang efisiensi listrik dlsb. Sejak awal harus dipertimbangkan matang-matang setiap keputusan hobby yang akan kita geluti.
Saya ber-analogi, bila seseorang sudah
mampu membeli sebuah mobil Lamborghini atau Porsche, maka saya yakin
bahwa golongan social class tersebut tidak akan memikirkan atau membahas
harga bahan bakar. Apapun dan berapapun harga bahan bakar tidak akan
menjadi masalah bagi sipemilik. And so with our koi !!! Kalau orang
Singapore bilang "Oke lah.." (Singlish)
Sharing purpose!, hanya sekedar sharing saja dan tidak ada maksud lainnya.
Thank You
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