Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pond Accessories

There are many kind of pond accessories, such as 'Air Diffuser', 'Small Air Compressor - Hiblow', 'Predator Control', "Bird Netting', 'Fiber Tank' etc. However, you do not have to buy all of those accessories, it depends on what you really need ? Before you decide to buy one particular accessory , you must understand what the beneficial purpose for your koi pond. As a hobbyist and also from the marketing point of view, what we buy is 'need' for our pond, instead of 'wants'.

<Banyak sekali perlengkapan kolam yang tersedia di-pasar,  seperti halnya 'Air Diffuser', 'Small Air Compressor - Hiblow', 'Predator Control', "Bird Netting', 'Fiber Tank', dll. Anda tidak perlu membelinya semua, tetapi beli hanya yang sesuai kebutuhan anda saja. Sesuai dengan marketing philosophy, yang kita harus beli adalah "needs" bukan "want". Kalau kita membeli wants yang didasarkan atas impulse buying (dorongan suara hati), maka semua juga akan kita beli dan setelah itu tidak terpakai. Mendingan budget nya dipakai untuk membeli koi yang berkwalitas>

For example, analogically if go shopping for your weekly  household needs, in your trolley might only be 30% of what you really needs, while the remaining 70% is what you want. You therefore have to separate only what you really need instead of what you want!! 

<Sebagai analogi, bila kita pergi shopping mingguan, berapa sebenarnya unsur "needs" yang kita beli diatas trolley yang kita dorong kekasir? mungkin nilai needs nya hanya 30%, tetapi nilai "wants" nya bisa 70%. Sebenarnya Needs anda mungkin cuma berupa kebutuhan pokok, sikat gigi, odol, sabun dll, tetapi Wants anda banyak sekali seperti anda membeli coklat import, keju, permen, ikan salmon, ice cream, sabun import, jelly, dll. Apa lagi kalau anda pergi shopping nya ke high end outlet seperti Ranch market, Food hall, maka saya rasa anda lebih banyak membeli Want dibandingkan membeli Needs>

Herewith, some pond accessories that you may need:

Fiber Tank

Air Tube Diffuser

Disc Diffuser
Disc Diffuser

Hiblow - Japan

Rubber pipe

Vacum pond cleaner

Pipe Connector
Bird Netting

Salinity meter

PH Tester
Dissolved Oxygen Meter

How to use bird netting
Bottom Drain Uniring

Bottom Drain Uniring
Uniring Flexible hose

Bird Netting is really needed, especially if you put your new koi into your new pond. Since your new pond is relatively new environtment for new koi, the koi may jump from the water out during night time or when you are not there. When the new koi has been familiar with their new pond and being able to get along with their old friends, the possibility of jumping out is small. It can be scroll upward and backward, you may buy it in meters.

<Netting burung sangat diperlukan agar resiko koi melompat dari kolam bisa dihindari. Hal ini terjadi untuk koi yang baru anda beli dimana koi-koi tersebut belum terbiasa dengan kolam/tempat tinggalnya yang baru. Penutup jaring agar bisa di gulung tutup-buka, jadi pada saat anda ingin menikmati keindahan koi atau saat anda memberi makan koi maka jaring dibuka, sebaliknya pada saat anda membeli koi baru atau tidak berada dirumah untuk jangka waktu yang cukup lama maka anda bisa menutupnya>

Fiber tank, you usually can find the tank which made of fiber and also you really need this tank for quarantine purpose for your new koi or your koi might be under treatment.

<Fiber tank sangat diperlukan untuk tujuan kegunaan karantina atau medical treatment untuk koi yang sakit>

HIBLOW-small capacity compressor, is actually an option. All depend on the availability of oxygen supply in your pond. If you have a large garden, which mean you have long distance between your pond and your filter chambers, the oxygen can also be obtained from along the water passage when the water being circulated back to the pond. If your pond has enough oxygen and water flow, your koi can be actively swimming and exercising that is good for your koi growth.

<High blow hanya sebagai opsi saja, dalam hal kolam anda pasokan oksigennya kurang. Sebenarnya oksigen mudah didapat seandainya kontruksi kolam/filter anda sudah benar. Misalkan: kalau anda memiliki taman yang cukup luas, bisa saja dibuatkan saluran air (seperti solokan) pada saat air bersih dari filter dipompa balik kekolam, maka disepanjang riak air, disitu terakumulasi kandungan oksigen - baca buku Dr Takeo Kuroki, Manual Nishikigoi>


(1) In Jakarta - Indonesia, you can buy pond accessories at the pond accessories wholesalers centre, along Jl. Dr. Makaliwe, Grogol, Jakarta Barat, such as Laris shop. You have to compare the price, sometimes for specific thing such as bio ball, koi dealers such as 'Dragon koi' at Green ville is cheaper. Your choice !!

<Koi asesoris bisa didapatkan di grosir peralatan perikanan di sepanjang jalan Dr. Makaliwe-Grogol, Jakarta Barat, seperti toko Laris, atau untuk asesoris tertentu terkadang pedagang koi seperti halnya Dragon koi di Green ville bisa lebih murah. Bandingkan saja sebelum membeli!>

(2) Sole distributor of Tsurumi water pump ex. Japan and many other pond equipments. 

<Sole distributor untuk Tsurumi pump, made in Japan dan peralatan kolam lainnya dapat hubungi juga: >

Nama:Tn. Robert Yu [Pemilik/Pengusaha]
Pesan Instan:
Y!: aquaria Y!: aquaria
Nomer HP:62-8161945811, 62-81905661564
Nomer Telpon:62-21-98269944
Nomer Faks:62-21-4258421
Alamat:Jl. Bungur Besar 17 no. 41
Jakarta 10610, Jakarta

to be continued <>