You may test your koi knowledge, whether or not you have mastered it.
(Anda dapat men-test pemahaman anda tentang koi, apakah anda sudah menguasai?).
Koi dealers, who sell original Japan koi , usually has "Production Certificate" for each individual koi issued by the koi farm in Japan. such as Sakai Koi etc, this certificate is similar to Pet birth certificate or HRD/GIA certificate for diamond.
(Para koi dealer yang menjual ikan koi import asli dari Japan biasanya memiliki production certificate untuk setiap ikan koi, yang diterbitkan oleh asal koi farm tersebut di Japan, seperti hal nya Sakai koi dll, menyerupai stambum hewan piaraan atau sertifikat HRD/GIA untuk berlian).
On each production certificate has a photo of each individual koi, so that you will be able to see all koi pattern and marking for each individual koi that you are interested in.
(Disetiap production certificate tercantum photo koi, sehingga memudahkan anda melihat pola dan warna setiap koi yang anda minati)
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Courtesy Photo for explanation purpose |
How to test your knowledge ? The way you test your knowledge is by looking at the physical koi itself before you see the Production Certificate. Some koi dealer sometimes stick the price tag on Production Certificate. So, if your eyes have been familiar how to judge koi, usually your choice is the most expensive one among the same koi group
(Bagaimana cara men-test kemampuan anda? , cara men-test nya mudah yaitu dengan langsung melihat koinya secara phisik, sebelum anda melihat sertifikat nya. Beberapa pedagang koi kadang-kadang mencantumkan sticker harga di serfikat tsb. Kalau mata anda sudah terlatih, biasanya pilihan mata anda akan jatuh kepada koi yang harganya termahal didalam kelompok koi tersebut).
Last week, I did try my knowledge with a school of koi of 12 cm length, and it really work.
Have a try and Have Fun !!
You, as a buyer, absolutely have a right to ask your koi dealer whether or not their imported original Japanese koi has a production certificate.
(sebagai seorang buyer anda berhak untuk menanyakan kepada penjual, apakah koi tersebut bersertifikat)
Now, the price of imported Japanese koi with 12 cm in length approximately IDR 3,500,000 - 5,000,000 (USD 350-500) with Sakai Farm production certificate, but some of koi dealers price around IDR 2,500,000 (USD 250) without production certificate.
(Harga koi import Japan berukuran 12 cm dikisaran Rp 3,5 - Rp 5 juta/ekor untuk yang bersertifikat, ada juga yang menjual dengan harga Rp 2,5juta tanpa sertifikat)
My believe is if I personally would like to buy the original imported Japanese koi, I would like to buy koi with certificate to make sure that my koi is an original imported Japanese koi. If you sometimes want to re-sell, it is easier for you to convince your buyer.
(Dengan selisih harga tersebut, saya secara pribadi akan memilih dan membeli koi yang memiliki sertifikat, karena saya lebih yakin dan juga suatu saat anda bosan dan ingin menjualnya akan lebih mudah bagi anda meyakinkan calon pembelinya)
Again, It's up to you to decide!!
to be continued <>