Saturday, March 23, 2013

What Nishikigoi be kept in your pond (Bahasa-English Version)

Dear Hobbyist;
They say "Keeping Nishikigoi begins with Kohaku and ends with Kohaku", means that everybody is charmed by the Kohaku at the beginning of  koi keeping, then gets distracted by other varieties later on, in the end, returns to the attractiveness of the Kohaku 

(source: Modern Nishikigoi by Takeo Kuraki San). 

<Pendapat/Mitos mengatakan bahwa seseorang tertarik memelihara koi setelah melihat keindahan kohaku, tetapi berjalannya waktu mereka ikut tertarik kepada jenis-jenis koi lainnya, TETAPI akhirnya mereka beralih kepada kohaku lagi.>

3 (three) types of koi, that is, Kohaku, Sanke Sanshoku and Showa Sanshoku, are the ideal 3 types of koi to keep. Although so many hobbyist get distracted by other varieties at the beginning in keeping koi.

<3 jenis ikan koi yang secara umum keindahannya banyak disenangi hobbyist dan juga umumnya memenangkan kontest, yaitu jenis Kohaku, Sanke Sanshoku dan Showa Sanshoku>

Since the imported Japanese nishikigoi is much more expensive than your local koi, therefore many hobbyists sometimes mix them up and combine between the imported Japanese koi and local koi, but make sure that your local koi is a selected koi which has color and pattern requirement.

<Mengingat harga koi import Japan relatif lebih mahal, maka banyak hobbyist yang mengkombinasikan ikan koi dikolamnya antara koi local dan koi import, tetapi pastikan bahwa kwalitas koi local nya pun hasil seleksi yang ketat>

If you are supposed to believe on 9 or 8 as your lucky number, you may mix them up and combine between 5 for imported Japanese koi and 4 for local one. The imported Japanese koi can lift up the outlook of your local koi quality, so overall your local koi looks more gorgeous.

<Jika anda percaya angka 9 atau 8 sebagai angka keberuntungan anda, anda dapat mengkombinasikannya 5 ekor koi import dan 4 ekor koi local. Biasanya keindahan bentuk tubuh, warna, pola warna koi import secara tidak langsung akan mengangkat penampilan koi lokal anda secara keseluruhan>

When you want to spend your budget for buying koi, the way you buy is not merely as cheap as possible, but you must bear in mind that "How much money I want to spend" for my koi.

<Ketika anda meng-anggarkan dana untuk membeli koi  guna mengisi kolam koi anda, maka cara anda memilih ikan koi jangan sekedar asal murah saja. Tetapi dalam benak anda harus berfikir, berapa budget yang anda akan keluarkan untuk ikan koi anda> 

If you have spent thousands of USD in building your koi pond, while your pond is only occupied with low quality koi, you'd better have only a simply koi pond and no need to spend thousands of USD for nothing. In addition, your effort, electricity bill, good koi food and regular pond  maintenance must also be taken into account.

<Jika anda sudah berani mengeluarkan uang ribuan USD dalam membangun kolam koi anda, sementara kolam anda hanya diisi dengan ikan koi kwalitas murahan, maka sebaiknya anda tidak perlu membangun kolam yang mahal-mahal. Juga, jerih payah anda, biaya listrik bulanan, makanan koi yang berkwalitas dan pemeliharaan kolam yang anda lakukan secara rutin, harus pula diperhitungkan. Buang uang dan tenaga tetapi sia-sia saja hanya untuk memelihara ikan koi murahan>

<Diantara pedagang koi, ada istilah humor yang sering dipakai untuk menamakan kwalitas koi yang rendah, yaitu koi kecipratan atau koi hasil selingkuh yang sudah tidak jelas genetika keturunannya, atau koi tersebut sekwalitas dengan kwalitas ikan mas yang dijual secara kiloaan> 

NB : diforum kaskus, saya sempat baca pendapat dari kaukuser a.n. Koikichi, saya sangat-sangat setuju dengan pendapat dan pandangannya selaku hobbyist.
For example : Your koi pond costs IDR 100,000,000 and all of your acquired koi prices totally only  IDR 10,000,000. In my opinion, it is not worthed. At least, you must be ready to spend your budget half of your pond cost or as same as your pond cost.

I have a friend who spent thousands of USD in building his koi pond but when I saw his koi are very poor and some of his koi collection were even rejected koi obtained from his friend for free. It is ridiculous !!! 

<Kami mempunyai teman yang telah menghabiskan uang ratusan juta rupiah untuk kolam koi, tetapi setelah kami lihat kwalitas koi nya sangat jelek dan bahkan beberapa koinya hasil pemberian temannya yang merupakan ikan  koi tolakan>
Again, as a hobbyist, everything is depend on your budget.  

<Lagi, sebagai hobbyist, semuanya kembali ke budget yang anda akan keluarkan> 

to be continued <>