Dear Teman-teman se hobby;
Membaca pertanyaan member di "Koi Forum" <> tentang cara membuat pakan ikan koi yang floating, dengan ini saya sampaikan article dibawah ini mudah-mudahan bisa membantu teman-teman sekalian. Sebaiknya, anda berdiskusi langsung dengan Nutritionist yang mempunyai back ground di bidang feedmill.
<I saw one question on "Koi Forum" web-site ( about how to make floating koi food?, below I attach one article and hopefully may help those who intend to make their koi food on their own.. Anyway, I suggest you to consult with someone or nutritionist who has experience from feed-mill background.>
Sekedar mendahului, bahwa yang menyebabkan floating atau sinkingnya suatu pakan ikan adalah tingginya protein/gluten yang terkandung didalam raw material tepung yang digunakan.
<Before consulting with your nutritionist, as far as I know that one of the ingredients that cause floating fish food is wheat flour with high protein/gluten>
Protein/gluten yang tinggi berfungsi sebagai perekat sehingga pakan ikan tidak mudah hancur bila terapung diatas air. Seperti halnya pakan udang, pakan udang memerlukan kadar protein/wet gluten yang tinggi (32-36%). Kenapa demikian? karena proses udang makan sangat lambat dan bila pakannya tidak bisa bertahan lama mengapung dipermukaan air, maka pakan tersebut akan hancur terlebih dahulu sebelum habis ter-makan.
<the beneficial high protein/gluten is like a glue in order to avoid broken fish food while floating before being totally eaten by the fish. Likewise shrimp food, shrimp food need high protein/gluten content, otherwise these foods can not be long floating (usually the wet gluten shoud be 32-36%). Why ?. Because the shrimp eat too slow and take time to finish their food.>
Pakan untuk ikan koi atau cat fish (lele) mungkin tidak memerlukan kadar protein/gluten setinggi pakan untuk udang, karena ikan koi dan lele makan lebih cepat.
<Koi food and cat fish food probably do not need protein/gluten as high as shrimp food, because they eat much faster than shrimp>
Mohon koreksi dan masukan seandainya ada ahli nutritionist yang membaca tulisan ini.
<Nutritionist who knows well about this, please do not hesitate to correct me if I am wrong>
Many thanks
<I saw one question on "Koi Forum" web-site ( about how to make floating koi food?, below I attach one article and hopefully may help those who intend to make their koi food on their own.. Anyway, I suggest you to consult with someone or nutritionist who has experience from feed-mill background.>
Sekedar mendahului, bahwa yang menyebabkan floating atau sinkingnya suatu pakan ikan adalah tingginya protein/gluten yang terkandung didalam raw material tepung yang digunakan.
<Before consulting with your nutritionist, as far as I know that one of the ingredients that cause floating fish food is wheat flour with high protein/gluten>
Protein/gluten yang tinggi berfungsi sebagai perekat sehingga pakan ikan tidak mudah hancur bila terapung diatas air. Seperti halnya pakan udang, pakan udang memerlukan kadar protein/wet gluten yang tinggi (32-36%). Kenapa demikian? karena proses udang makan sangat lambat dan bila pakannya tidak bisa bertahan lama mengapung dipermukaan air, maka pakan tersebut akan hancur terlebih dahulu sebelum habis ter-makan.
<the beneficial high protein/gluten is like a glue in order to avoid broken fish food while floating before being totally eaten by the fish. Likewise shrimp food, shrimp food need high protein/gluten content, otherwise these foods can not be long floating (usually the wet gluten shoud be 32-36%). Why ?. Because the shrimp eat too slow and take time to finish their food.>
<Koi food and cat fish food probably do not need protein/gluten as high as shrimp food, because they eat much faster than shrimp>
Mohon koreksi dan masukan seandainya ada ahli nutritionist yang membaca tulisan ini.
<Nutritionist who knows well about this, please do not hesitate to correct me if I am wrong>
Many thanks
Salam -