Monday, January 28, 2013

Filtration Equipments (English-Bahasa Version)

There are many pond and filtration equipments, but I think we do not have to discuss about all of those equipments. First,  I would like to discuss about filtration equipment since it is very critical to the performance of your koi filter. Second, we will discuss how to position these equipments.

<Banyak ditemukan peralatan kolam dan filterisasi, tetapi menurut saya kita tidak perlu membahas satu persatu peralatan-peralatan tersebut, cukup yang penting-penting saja. System filterisasi adalah JANTUNG nya suatu kolam, dan tentunya sangat menentukan keberhasilan kita dalam memelihara koi.>

Basic equipments, which are placed inside the filter chambers are "Water Pump" and "UV light". Submersible pump is commonly used in the filtration system in order to pump the clean water back to the pond. As mentioned on the previous section, I suggest to use 2 (two) submersible pumps, which one of these pumps is dedicated for flushing purpose.

<Peralatan utama yang diletakan didalam bak filter adalah "Water Pump" dan "UV Light". Pompa celup adalah yang umum dipakai dalam system filterisasi untuk memompa air bersih kembali ke dalam kolam setelah air tersebut difilter. Saya menyarankan untuk menggunakan 2 pompa celup, yaitu 1 pompa yang akan bekerja selama 24 jam non stop  dan berperan untuk mengsirkulasi air kotor dari kolam ke filter dan mengembalikan air bersih dari filter ke kolam. 1 pompa lainnya  di stand-by khan untuk mengeluarkan air kotor pada saat menguras filter.>

Housing UV light
UV Bulb

While there are commonly 2 (two) types of the UV light that you can find in the market, one is submersible UV light and another one is hanging UV light. UV light will destroy the DNA in single cell algae cells thereby killing it very efficiently. This will provide clear water when the turbidity is due to suspended algae. UV provides 100% success for achieving clear water from single cell algae in a pond. The bulb must be replaced every six months since the UV light is no more effective after 6 months. In addition, UV light is beneficial to reduce some bacteria, including harmful bacteria, as well as microscopic organisms that could be harmful to your koi.

<Ada 2 jenis lampu UV  dari sisi pemasangan, yaitu lampu UV  yang digantung dan lampu UV yang dicelup didalam air. Lampu UV harus  diganti setiap 6 bulan sekali karena daya basminya sudah tidak efektif lagi setelah melewati usia 6 bulan. Kegunaan lampu UV untuk membunuh cel-cel algae/lumut dan akibatnya air kolam anda menjadi bening. Dengan penggunaan lampu UV di jamin air kolam anda menjadi bening. Juga peran lampu UV berfungsi membunuh bakteri-bakteri berbahaya sebelum air bersih kembali kekolam>

Submersible UV light
When shopping for a UV light, you may find some confusing statements. Some companies don’t even call UV sterilizers, they call them clarifiers. 25 Watt of UV light might have different capacity among the companies. Some companies said 25 watt of UV light is for 1200 gallons, while other companies said that their 25 watt is for 2300 gallons. What’s the deal? There are actually two reasons for the discrepancy. When a UV light is sized as a “clarifier” it may not provide crystal clear water and a large number of plants are required to assist with the clarity. If a UV is sized for “sterilizer then you can have crystal clear water even without plants in the pond.

<Hati-hati bila membeli lampu UV,  anda bisa dibuat bingung dengan statemen-statement yang ada. Beberapa perusahaan tidak menyebut UV sterilizer, melainkan menyebutnya  UV clarifier. Beberapa perusahaan bilang bahwa kapasitas 25 watt cukup untuk 1200 gallon air dan perusahaan yang lain bilang cukup untuk  2300  gallon air. Sebenarnya ada 2 alasan yang menyebabkan perbedaan tersebut, jika lampu UV sebagai clarifier maka fungsinya tidak menjamin air kolam anda menjadi bening karena juga dibutuhkan tanaman untuk membeningkan air kolam,  tetapi kalau lampu UV berfungsi sebagai sterilizer dijamin bisa membeningkan air dan tidak perlu fungsi tanaman untuk membeningkannya>

Many traders and pond makers have different opinion of how to position the UV light. I think if you have really well understood the benefit of each media, we therefore can use our logic where to place correctly the UV light.

<Banyak pendapat yang berbeda tentang "dimana meletakan lampu UV?", sebenarnya jawaban sangat mudah kalau kita betul-betul sudah memahami dan mengerti betul manfaat dari masing-masing media filter. Selanjutnya, kita hanya memakai logika dimana menempatkan lampu UV yang benar>

As you already know that the submersible pump  positioned inside the clean water chamber to pump the clean water back to your koi pond, but my question is where do we position our UV light ?

<Seperti anda ketahui bahwa pompa celup diletakan didalam chamber/bak air bersih , yaitu chamber terakhir sebelum air bersih dipompa balik ke dalam kolam, pertanyaan selanjutnya "dimana meletakan lampu UV?">

There are 2 (two) opinions, one said that UV light must be positioned at the last clean water chamber before being circulated to your pond, another said must be positioned at the first dirty water chamber. Which one is the correct answer ?. Before being able to answer this question, we really need to understand of what the beneficial of UV light as has been previously explained above.
One concern is that the UV light will sterilize your pond and kill all of the beneficial bacteria. Of course this statement is correct, but also UV light will kill the harmful bacteria. 

<Ada 2 pendapat, pendapat pertama berpendapat bahwa lampu UV diletakan di chamber terakhir tempat air bersih  sebelum air dipompa balik kekolam, pendapat kedua berpendapat lampu UV diletakan di chamber pertama tempat air kotor. Mana yang benar ??. 

Sebelum menjawab pertanyaan tersebut,  kita harus mengerti dahulu peran dari lampu UV seperti diterangkan diatas. Pendapat mengatakan bahwa lampu UV berperan  mensterilkan air dan membunuh bakteri yang berguna, statement tersebut benar adanya, tetapi lampu UV juga membunuh bakteri yang berbahaya untuk koi>

As you know that the beneficial bacteria living inside the bio ball chamber or other media chambers, so if you position your UV light on the dirty water chamber, I think it also should be all right because the UV light will kill the harmful bacteria that pass the dirty water chamber while the beneficial bacteria living inside the next media chambers.

<Seperti anda ketahui bahwa bakteri yang bermanfaat menetap di chamber yang berisi bio ball atau media chamber lainnya. Maka jika anda meletakan lampu UV didalam chamber/bak air kotor, hal ini  dimungkinkan juga karena lampu UV membunuh bakteri berbahaya yang lewat chamber air kotor, sedangkan bakteri yang bermanfaat tetap menetap dan berkembang biak di media-media filter setelah  melewati chamber air kotor.>

In addition, you may position your UV light inside the clean water chamber before the water being circulated to your koi pond. With this position also your UV light will not kill the beneficial bacteria because the beneficial bacteria living along the chambers prior to clean water chamber. In conclusion, both positions are good for placing your UV light in your filtration system.

<Juga anda bisa meletakan lampu UV didalam chamber/bak air bersih sebelum air bersih tersebut di sirkulasi balik kedalam kolam. Dengan meletakan lampu UV disini maka lampu UV pun tidak membunuh bakteri bermanfaat, karena bakteri yang bermanfaat menetap dan berkembang biak di chamber-chamber sebelum chamber air bersih. Kesimpulan bahwa lampu UV bisa diletakan di salah satu  kedua opsi tersebut atau bahkan bisa saja ditempatkan di-kedua-duanya>

My koi pond use two UV sterilizer, one submersible UV which I have been positioning inside the dirty water chamber and another UV is positioned inside the clean water chamber. It's wonderful, my koi is far from disease and clear water. I quite often buy the Japanese made filtration equipments since it is usually have correct specification, such as capacity etc.

<Koi pond saya menggunakan dua lampu UV, satu di bak air kotor dan satunya di bak air bersih. Saya lebih suka membeli peralatan yang made in Japan, karena biasanya spec nya tidak bohong>


!!! Staring at UV Light may damage your eyes !!!

<menatap lampu UV yang sedang berpijar/menyala  bisa menyebabkan kebutaan

to be continued <>

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Filtration - Design Picture (Cont Part III)

Herewith, we would like to share with you the filtration design as I told you previously on Part III. Above picture consist of 4 (four) media chambers, however the number of chamber is flexible and depend on number of media that will be used. But at least you must have 3 (three) or 4 (four) media chambers.  

Chamber explanation:

(1)  On the right is 'dirty water chamber' as the first chamber where the water coming from..
(2)  The second 4 (four) chambers are the 'media chamber', where you put media inside.
(3) The sixth chamber is the 'clean water chamber' before being circulated back to the pond
(4) The last chamber is a 'flushing chamber' where you can use this chamber when you clean your filter media before being flushed out.

Pipe explanation:

(1) Connecting pipe from pond to 'dirty water chamber'
(2) Overflowing pipe from pond to 'dirty water chamber', so that water surface can be clear and free of foam
(3) The water flowing from 'dirty water chamber' to the 4 (four) 'media chambers' thru gravity flow (see arrows sign on the picture)
(4) Each chamber must have seperate direct flushing pipes to the 'flushing chamber', so it is very easy to clean. Any 'media chamber' can be cleaned any  time. Of course, you don't have to pull  your media out every time you want to clean your 'media chambers'
(5) In addition, you need direct flushing pipe from your pond to the 'flushing chamber'
(6) On the 'flushing chamber', you can use 5 (five) standing pipes from each direct flushing pipe to avoid the water flowing to the flushing chamber by using 'L Join'. Anytime you want to flush, you just simply pulling up the standing pipes on the flushing chamber.

L Join
 (7) You'd better using 2 submerged water pumps, one is being used for circulating back water to the pond and another one is dedicated for flushing purpose. You must select the best pump for circulating purpose since the pump must be running for 24 hours, but for flushing purpose depend on your budget. 


"The filter positioned as low as your pond surface"

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Filtration System (Water Flow) - Part III

The most important thing on your filtration is the water flow system and how do you design your filter so that it work properly?. Basically, your filtration water flow can be categorized into 2 groups, as follows:
(1) Water that are circulated back to the pond after being filtered  and passing thru all media in the chambers.
(2) Water that will be directly flushed from each chamber or pond, while the chamber and pond are periodically being cleaned.


(A) Most of 'pond makers' initiate to install one bar of long pipe along all chamber for flushing purpose. They use "T-Join" to connect pipe between each chamber before finally flowing to the flushing chamber. I think this is relatively wrong design and merely intended for efficiency purpose. I strongly recommend not using this particular design, because you will need more extra effort when cleaning your filter.

T Join

If I was asked whether the above mentioned design would be working well? My answer was 'Yes', BUT if you make filtration design you must select the design that is "user friendly" for you and your family. Why do I say the design is not 'user friendly'?  because all chamber has media inside. You therefore have to pull up the standing pipe in every chamber in order to releasing and flowing the water to the flushing chamber.

I felt it was very hard when pulling up the standing pipe because the filter media pressed together toward the standing pipe, which positioned at center of each chamber. Later, I will propose to you and show you of  how to design a simply, workable and user friendly filtration design.

(B) I strongly suggest all side wall of your pond and filter chamber must be made of concrete to avoid leaking problem.

(C) The partition wall between chamber is not as critical as the side wall, since small leaking problem will have no impact to the filtration system 

to be continued <>

Filteration System (Media) - Part II (English-Bahasa Version)

There are many materials that can be used for your filter media, but commonly used and easy to find are as follows:

(1) Filter brushes, are usually used as a mechanical filter, placed before the biological stages in filtration system. They are usually made from a fish-safe polypropylene with a stainless steel wire core. When used as a filter media, filter brushes are very good at filtering out solids such as leaves, fish waste and string algae. In turn, it helps to keep heavier solids out of the later filtration stages that are more easily blocked. Over time, brushes can become biological if care is taken when cleaning them. If rinsed with pond water every once in a while to keep the heavy solids off, beneficial bacteria will colonize on the polypropylene bristles, helping to clean the water on a biological level as well; although not enough to classify brushes as a dedicated biological filter. 

<Banyak media filter yang dapat digunakan, tetapi yang umum dipergunakan adalah sbb:

(1) " Filter Sikat", digunakan sebagai mekanikal filter,  diletakan di chamber sebelum chamber-chamber biology, biasanya terbuat dari bahan plastik polypropylene + kawat stainless. Berguna untuk memfilter material yang solid seperti halnya daun-daun kering, kotoran-kotoran ikan dan serat-serat lumut yang bertebaran. Fungsinya menyaring kotoran-kotoran yang kasar sebelum kotoran yang kasar tersebut memasuki chamber berikutnya yang kemungkinan bisa mudah mem-block (menyumpal) fungsi chamber berikutnya tersebut. Bisa saja filter sikat tersebut membantu dan berfungsi sebagai rumah koloni bakteri (HANYA MEMBANTU) dan itupun kalau pembersihan berkalanya dilakukan hati-hati dengan memakai air kolam. INGAT!. Fungsinya tidak menggantikan biological chambers.

(2) Rock,  was a common form of bio filtration media as its porous surface provides room for bacteria to reside. After certain period, rock may block the waterways which greatly diminishes the stone’s performance. Once rock is loaded with debris you will have to remove it from your filter chamber and replace it with new one as it is near impossible to remove the debris from within each rock. You need to replace the rock media every period of time for optimal performance. 

(2) Karang, bisa berfungsi sebagai bio filtration media karena konstruksinya yang berlubang kecil-kecil yang memungkinkan bakteri tinggal disitu. Setelah periode tertentu keberadaan karang bisa menyumbat aliran  air karena lubang-lubang kecil tersebut sudah tersumbat dan penuh dengan kotoran. Karena performance karang tersebut turun setelah kotor, maka secara periodic harus diganti dengan yang baru dan tidak dapat dibersihkan untuk dipakai ulang>

Bio ball
(3) Bio ball, is small, pegged plastic balls used as the biological media. It is beneficial as a house for good bacteria colonies that break down harmful ammonia/nitrites into nitrates that beneficial for your koi. You may place bio ball into a mesh bag and drop into the filter chamber and you may not clean it once they are cycled or you will risk killing off all the beneficial bacteria that you need to filter the water. Bacteria in the NEW filter system do not exist yet and therefore you may add bacteria in the powder or liquid form that you can find from the trader.

(3) Bio Ball, bentuknya seperti rambutan (lihat gambar), media ini sangat-sangat penting karena merupakan rumah untuk koloni bakteri. Kita harus menyiapkannya dengan kapasitas yang cukup agar bakteri bisa bebas berkembang biak.

Fungsi beneficial bakteri adalah mengurai zat Nitrit yang beracun menjadi zat Nitrat yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan koi. Bio ball bisa ditaruh terlebih dahulu kedalam kantong-kantong jaring (misalkan kelipatan 500), dan kemudian kantong-kantong jaring yang berisi bio ball tersebut diletakan ke dalam chamber. Anda mutlak dilarang untuk membersihkannya mengingat sudah menjadi rumah koloni bakteri, paling-paling hanya boleh dengan cara menyiram air bersih dari kolam secara perlahan-lahan. TIDAK PERLU DIANGKAT dari chamber.

Untuk kolam/filter yang masih baru biasanya di minggu-minggu pertama beneficial bakteri belum terbentuk. Untuk menstimulasi, anda bisa membeli bakteri dalam bentuk powder atau liquid untuk memancing pertumbuhan bakteri. Oleh karenanya, dikolam baru anda bisa memelihara 2-3 ekor ikan mas yang kotorannya berfungsi untuk  untuk memancing pertumbuhan bakteri. Jangan langsung memasukan koi yang mahal-mahal selama kolam/filter anda belum settle benar.

Kelak bila kolam/system filter sudah settle, keberadaan ikan mas digantikan dengan koi kesayangan anda. Jangan jatuh cinta sama ikan mas yang anda jadikan kelinci percobaan karena alasan kasihan dll. Berbahaya! kolam/filter yang anda buat mahal-mahal isinya hanya ikan mas kiloan.

(4) Zeolite, reduces the ammonia in your water pond and creating a healthier pond environment for your Koi. It works by trapping and absorbing ammonia, extracting it from your ponds water. Ammonia is the number one killer of your koi,  Zeolite therefore can aid  in this process, as zeolite absorbs the ammonia.
Soaking zeolite in salt water overnight will release the entrapped ammonia and enabling the zeolite to be re-used. However, should you need to treat your pond with salt or other medications you must remove the zeolite from your filter chamber as the en-tapped ammonia will be released back into your pond and, of course, it is absolutely very harmful for your koi. You must replace zeolite every six months!

<Zeolite, berfungsi untuk menyerap setiap amonia sebelum air bersih dari filter di pompa balik ke kolam. Amonia adalah zat yang paling mematikan untuk koi. Oleh karenanya biasanya Zeolite diletakan di chamber sebelum chamber air bersih. 

Zeolite harus diganti secara berkala, atau bisa juga dibersihkan dan dipakai ulang dengan cara merendam dilarutan air garam selama semalam. AWAS!!! merendamnya bukan didalam chamber filter, tetapi harus dikeluarkan dari chamber filter!!! Kalau direndam air garam di chamber filter, maka semua amonia yang sudah diserap oleh zeolite akan lepas dan amonia akan kembali kekolam lagi. Semua koi anda didalam kolam akan bilang Wassalam ... bye..bye.. boss.. see u in our next life, hopefully you become koi and I become your boss (joking)

Filter mats - Japan
(5) Filter Mats, are important components in biological filters for koi ponds. They provide a substrate for beneficial bacteria to grow on as well as trapping and removing pond debris and also absorbing ammonia and iron ions. If you have already used above media, in my opinion filter mats usage is an option.

(5) "Filter Mats", bila anda sudah menggunakan media-media filter diatas, kegunaan filter mats adalah suatu OPSI. Fungsinya membantu sebagai rumah koloni bakteri juga, menyaring kotoran. Banyak orang berpendapat juga bahwa fungsinya untuk menyerap amonia dan zat-zat besi.

Carbon active
(6)  Active Carbon, is also one of media that can be used on your filtration system. Also, it has been using for drinking water filtration system. Some people believe that active carbon can be beneficial for absorbing ammonia and other chemical. Again, this media is an option and depend on how many filter  chambers you have.


(!) Cleaning of all filter media should be done by using de-chlorinated water or pond water only,  since chlorine may kill the beneficial bacteria that grows on these filtration media and therefore may damages the biological activity of the pond filter. 
(!!) Periodic cleaning of your filter media is a MUST, you absolutely may not disregard!
(!!!) You may flush 10-20% of your pond water every week and adding fresh water through the circulating water inside the filter chamber in order to softening the water or avoiding harmful bleaching agent.
(!!!!) DO NOT put many koi into your new pond since the biological system of your filter has not been working yet. Please remember "Adding koi to your pond is an addict", it is a bad habit and more likely happen for the beginners. Better small number of good quality koi put into your pond.

<Bersihkan filter hanya menggunakan air yang tidak mengandung kaporit atau untuk amannya pakai saja air dari kolam, bersamaan pada saat anda  mengganti sebagian air kolam.

Ganti sekitar 10-20% air kolam setiap minggu, dan cara menambahkan air baru sebaiknya disarankan melalui chamber filter. Pastikan air baru yang anda gunakan sudah diendapkan bila seandainya anda memakai tap water/air PAM

Jangan pelihara ikan koi sekaligus banyak kedalam kolam anda yang baru, INGAT!! bila anda baca article dimanapun dari sumber yang dapat dipercaya, maka disarankan jangan pelihara koi terlalu banyak. Yang dipentingkan bukan kwatitas tetapi kwalitas

"Adding koi to your pond is an addict", it is a bad habit and more likely happen for the beginners. Better small number of good quality koi put into your pond"

< ....Rasa ingin selalu menambah jumlah koi ke kolam anda adalah sesuatu yang bersifat kecanduan, ini adalah suatu kebiasaan yang sangat buruk dan biasanya terjadi bagi semua pemula. Lebih baik memelihata beberapa ikan koi saja tetapi yang berkwalitas ...

<Saya pribadi punya pengalaman lucu ketika suatu saat saya berkunjung ke padagang koi. Ada seorang pengunjung (ibu-ibu) bertanya kepada si pedagang koi, berapa harga sekilo nya ?. Nah! anda akan sakit hati kalau koi yang anda pelihara digolongkan kwalitas koi kiloan oleh tetangga/teman anda>

<Setelah pengunjung pergi, sipedagang koi menggerutu dan omong ke saya, dia bilang "emangnya gua jualan daging". (joking dan benar terjadi)>

<Makanya sangat disayangkan kalau kita memelihara koi asal banyak saja tetapi tanpa memiliki kwalitas. Apalagi kalau anda kasih pakan 'made in Japan', artinya we spend money for nothing. Anda kasih makan pakan yang mahal-mahal, dan karena alasan tertentu suatu saat anda mau jual lagi maka koi anda tidak ada harganya, karena koi yang anda pelihara adalah kwalitas koi kiloan.>

<Sebagai seorang hobbyist, koi yang kita pelihara tidak perlu koi kwalitas kontest, tetapi setidak-tidaknya tidak terlalu jelek dan indah dilihat mata>

<Saya pribadi punya seorang teman dan berkocek tebal, beliau bangun kolam untuk hobby ratusan juta rupiah, tetapi setelah saya lihat isinya cuma koi gratisan atau koi rejectkan dari teman-temannya. Sangat disayangkan!!

Kalau saya pribadi ingin membeli koi tentunya juga pakai budget, tidak lepas dan tidak maunya yang murah saja. Misalkan, saya mau habiskan budget 50% dari total biaya pembuatan kolam untuk beli koi>


to be continued <>