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Wheat |
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Wheat Germ |
We will introduce you if you are willing to buy the raw wheat germ for commercial usage, wheather you are overseas or domestic manufacturers. For human food supplement, wheat germ can be packed and sold as the raw wheat germ, and in order to prolong the shelve life wheat germ can also be dried as well as toasted before being vacuum packed. In four seasons countries, the shelve life can be longer due to low humidity, compared to two seasons countries such as south east Asian countries.
Wheat germ price is quite expensive, because wheat germ is a tiny part of wheat kernel. During production process, wheat germ can be produced only 0,2 - 0,5% from the wheat kernel. No wonder if koi wheat germ product is also relatively more expensive.
<Saya pribadi akan mengenalkan anda bila anda berkeinginan membeli raw wheat germ untuk tujuan komersial, baik anda sebagai pengusaha domestik maupun di luar negeri. Sebagai food supplement dan untuk menambah panjang usia product, maka raw wheat germ sering kali di dried atau di toasted dahulu sebelum di vacum pack. Di negara-negara 4 musim, usia product bisa lebih panjang karena suhu lebih dingin dan humidity lebih rendah
Harga wheat germ cukup mahal, karena wheat germ adalah bagian kecil dari biji gandum. Dalam proses produksi, wheat germ hanya bisa didapat sekitar 0,2-0,5% dari biji gandum. Jadi wajar saja kalau makanan koi yang sebagian ingredientnya terbuat dari wheat germ harganya akan relatif lebih mahal>
For koi breeder in Japan, Korea and other countries, you may contact us.
<untuk peternak koi atau feedmill di Japan, Korea dan negara lainnya jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya bila memerlukan wheat germ>
Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are free to introduce you.
Regards <koitutor@blogspot.com>